Anasi Boys
Anansi Boys
The myth was reinvented throughout the film because we see a
toil among two brothers and it really has to do with the fathers’ actions and
behavior. He somewhat paved a road for the two brothers in which they would
realize that they need to come together and work together on their struggles
ahead of them. It almost is a novel where you see shortly after you read that
it was meant to be where the two brothers would have to go through a tough time
in order to accomplish their future plans.
Throughout the novel, we see how there are two brothers that
are in contempt and frankly I think this is because they had not really known
each other and when their father passed away, that created a character shift
for Charlie. He had to live with his father’s silly action and contempt. All
this build up I believe caused him to search for his magic and along the way he
found out that he was not the only one solving his own problems. He had a
brother who did not like the other and they both, had to come to terms of what
they wanted. So, we see that there is hatred among the two brothers and this is
related to the myth of the unknown. They do not for see what is going to happen
and get tricked into things like planning to hurt others.
The unknown that I am speaking about is, what happens in
today’s world, about not knowing what is going to happen and you don’t know you
should trust and where to put your stakes. Also, in today’s contemporary world,
there are many stories in which there is suspicion among many characters that
are related. This causes a lot of drama and plot twists that keeps the readers
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