Snow Crash

Snow Crash

In the beginning like there normally is a protagonist in the novel who is simple person who delivers pizza when he is not doing his complicated work. However, many things are going to change for Hiro when he enters a situation of both reality and augmented reality.

The different types of reality here are three I believe and that is the natural world that we live in. This reality not much different from what we experience at all because it’s the simple day life we carry out every day. Number two is the augmented reality that Hiro and his hackers on. This reality I believe carries into the first one or at least is tied with it because whatever the characters do with their hacking affects the people in reality. The augmented reality is its one thing and therefore causes its own problem within its universe. Three, which I think is the most dangerous and abnormal of all is the reality of what you get when you take the snow crash drug, this drug as it described in the novel, affects both people in ordinary lives but also those in the augmented reality. It also messes with the people’s brains and makes them forget things. This goes along with the hackers who are in their augmented world. The drug is that strong, so no matter what reality you are in for this case, it’s almost like you can’t escape it.


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